Related Links

School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO)

Resources for parents/families, students and educators about their role in supporting children and youth, increasing their understanding of mental health, how Ontario’s schools support mental health and how to work with schools to support children and youth. 

College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO)

Search for a Psychologist/Psychological Associate and find information about the regulation of Psychologists/Psychological Associates in Ontario. 

Professional Psychological Organizations 

There are various local, national and international professional organizations that represent the Psychologists, Psychological Associates, and Psychometrists that work in Ontario.  These organizations advocate for increased access to mental health and psychological services, provide training and professional development opportunities to members, and work to advance the practice and research in the field of psychology.  For more information, please visit the sites listed below.

Canadian Psychological Association

Ontario Psychological Association

Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals

National Association of School Psychologists (international)

Ministry of Education of Ontario

Learning in Ontario: